DDG Group Shares Insights at the 18th Croatian Chamber of Engineers Conference

DDG Group Shares Insights at the 18th Croatian Chamber of Engineers Conference

04. Sep 2024

We are proud to announce that our project manager, Sebastian Jurić, along with Sara Stitic from GARK Consulting, presented at the 18th Croatian Chamber of Engineers Conference.

Their lecture, "Managing the Marriott Hotel Project - Phase 2," detailed the progress and challenges of the Marriott Hotel construction in Ičići.

Sebastian and Sara covered essential aspects such as preparations for the second phase, including traffic regulation, preservation of existing trees, and the eco-friendly demolition of former hospital buildings. They also discussed integrating Villa Rosa into the hotel complex, relocating the Ičići 1 torrent, constructing drainage channels, and additional water collection wells.

The lecture also highlighted construction challenges, such as water overflow onto the DC 66 state road and compliance with the City of Opatija's temporary work ban decision. The duo provided insights into the project's work dynamics and timelines.

This year's presentation built upon last year's progress update, offering valuable knowledge and experiences to fellow engineers. We believe in sharing our learnings from these rare and complex projects to help others in the industry.